How does Betterwise work?

How Much Does It Cost?

Betterwise is a mobile app. Users can choose from many subjects within Life Skills, College Prep, and Career Exploration categories. Lessons are presented as a series of 60-90 second videos delivered by experts explaining topics such as personal finance, applying for jobs, living independently, critical thinking, and self-care. Students can learn how to get into and succeed in college, as well as explore a wide range of possible careers by hearing from professionals in those fields. Our mentors are experienced professionals excited to share their deep domain knowledge and practical wisdom.

After each video, students answer short comprehension questions to demonstrate that they have correctly internalized the information. When they complete a lesson, students are asked to rate their confidence about achieving a real-world goal involving that topic. They receive immediate feedback on how they did on the takeaway questions, including an explanation that reinforces the main points of each video.

It is free for sponsors and students to participate in the beta program. If interested, please fill out the interest form survey.

What is the Mission of Betterwise?

The mission of Betterwise is to prepare students of all means and aspirations to meet real-world challenges with essential knowledge, self-efficacy, and excitement to discover their many possible paths to success. The Betterwise app will help students develop tools and mindsets necessary to achieve their goals, adapt to changing circumstances and opportunities, and take care of themselves as they advance through school, career, and personal development.

Who are “testers” and “sponsors”?

Testers are students in the 13-18 age range who are interested in participating in early Betterwise trials of its app and educational content. Sponsors are parents or other adults who sign testers up to use the app and provide feedback to Betterwise.


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How Long is the Beta Test?

On average, testers spend between 30 mins-1 hour on the app per week. Every testing phase is 4 weeks long.

Are Testers compensated?

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Yes, student tester will receive a $25 gift card sent via text for participating in one testing phase.

How do sponsors participate?

Sponsors participate by creating a Betterwise account and reviewing the content available in the app. Our next phase of features will focus on shifting the sponsor's role from spectators to collaborators in their students’ learning journey of self discovery and career exploration. The early involvement of sponsors will help pose solutions that would add value to the platform based on your feedback shared through Typeform surveys.

What Does Testing Involve?

Testing involves watching short videos on a range of topics, including personal finance, finding a job, choosing a college, and possible career paths. It also involves answering short comprehension questions after each video and providing opinions on the effectiveness of the content both while using the app and surveys outside of the app on Typeform.